Thursday, April 11, 2013

In Response to Haley's Post

After reading Haley's post about the Pipeline it was something that I was familiar with because of an Earth and Climate class I've taken. I was only familiar with the pipleine in the sense that I knew it was used to transport oil from Alaska to the states, but I never knew the other liquids that were transported with it. This idea seems good in theory a different way of transporting goods and materials, but I know how bad the process would be for the environment. In my opinion I don't think the pipline is a good idea and I would not be able to support it.

Do you think this system would be worth the environmental damage?

Bieber's Debit Card for Teens

Found within the Advertising section of the New York Times was an article about Justin Bieber. Who this world famous celebrity who makes millions of dollars, but he remains true to his humble roots. Even though he has so much money his goal right now in life is to promote budgeting money for teens. He has just recently signed a deal with a debit card company called SpendSmart card which is owned by Mastercard. This debit card is a line solely designated to teens to teach them to budget money and make them learn that they cannot spend more than they earn. The credit card company thought who better to promote this teen debit card then the biggest pop teen out there. This move was extremely smart and savvy because teens idolize Justin Bieber and want to follow his every move. If teens see him backing this card they are obviously going to get their parents on board and make them sign up for the SpendSmart debit card. It was also a savvy move because this pop star came from a rough background with money and is the perfect celebrity to preach about smart spending.

Do you having Justin Bieber backing this project was a savvy business move?